Civet coffie
Civet is funy animal in my vilage,
they live around coffie farm, they are very shy animal , always run
away every see human,
indonesia people call
civet luak , The luak, that's a small catlike animal, gorges after dark
on the most ripe, the best of our crop. It digests the fruit and expels the
beans, which our farm people collect, wash, and roast, a real delicacy. Something
about the natural fermentation that occurs in the luak's stomach seems to make
the difference. For Javanese, this is the best of all coffees—our Kopi luak.the
most expensif coffie in the world,
Kopi luwak is one of the most
expensive coffees in the world, selling for between US$100 and $600 per pound
in 2010
Some specialty coffee shops sell
cups of brewed kopi luwak for US$35–$80.Some coffee shops in Jakarta serve kopi
luwak for US$6–10,
have you ever tried civet coffie ?
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